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The Clients

Clark + Aldine

Metro Detroit's Hottest Home Renovation Team. Always a pleasure to work with Michael and Danielle. I've never seen a better dressed dude on a worksite, seriously.

Clark and Aldine

Candice Simons - Serial Entrepreneur

She does it all, writing, marketing/advertising, world traveler, dog mom... you name it, she's probably doing it or planning to do it. I'm honored to have a piece of my portfolio living in her home office.

Candice Simons

Candace Mary Interiors

Candace took Detroit by storm in the late twenty-teens before making a move to Chicago in 2020. I've built many pieces for her home staging business, as well as a few pieces for her personal collection and I'm so honored to have been able to get to know her personally and professionally.

Candace Griffin - Candace Mary Interiors

Prestige Worldwide

Research, development, computers... Black leather gloves. Investors? Possibly you?

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